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Why Human Kindness Matters

That quality of kindness is so easy to give, and it can be given freely regardless of age, gender, race, or any other perceived differences. This blog will explore some of the benefits of kindness, why it’s important to be kind to others, and will provide 5 tips to add more random act of kindness onto this beautiful planet that we all share together.

Benefits of Human Kindness

Kindness is Contagious

Think back to a time in your life when you were on the receiving end of a random act of kindness. It could’ve been as simple as a heartfelt smile from a stranger on the street. Or maybe, you received a free drink, courtesy of the person that was ahead of you in line. Despite how big or small the gesture was, chances are that it felt good! In my experience, paying that good feeling forward is a natural reaction. There’s also some science to back up the notion that kindness is contagious. Check out this video from the Random Act of Kindness Foundation to learn more.

Kindness Boost Trust and Moral

One of the fastest and easiest ways to boost moral is with kindness. For example, the simple act of raising your hand to give someone a high five, releases dopamine (the neurotransmitter associated with a pleasurable sensation in the body). When we experience kindness, positive mental and physical changes rush through our nervous systems. Although it’s great to intentionally be kind to others, it’s just as important to be kind to yourself.

The high five example can be applied to yourself as well. Mel Robbins’ book, The High Five Habit explores this theory. While getting ready for the day, some people unknowingly either belittle themselves while looking at their reflection in the mirror or ignore their reflection all together. Simply hitting pause on that auto-pilot habit by giving your reflection a high five, looking yourself in the eyes, and acknowledging the being that you are, can send your day on a whole new path. If you are kind to the person in the mirror, it makes it even easier for the kindness to spill out from your heart towards others throughout your day.

Why It’s Important to Be Kind to Others

Times are still uncertain, and you never know what someone else may be experiencing behind closed doors or in their mind. Although you may not have all the details of someone else’s life experience, you can use your own life as a guide for what the other person may want and need. As humans, we all inherently want the same things; to be loved, heard, seen, and understood. Approaching people with that clear understanding allows kindness to flow more effortlessly.

Sprinkling in some Random Acts of Kindness Today

  1. Hold open the door for a stranger
  2. Donate gifts to a local orphanage
  3. Send a heartfelt letter to a friend instead of a text message
  4. Take the time to actively listen to someone
  5. Spread positivity online with a Bible verse or encouraging quote

Final Thoughts

Bianchi Estates has kind employees, ready to help you find a commercial property. If you would like to know more, click here for our Sacramento properties or click here for our Reno properties.

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